Ghostwriters aren’t just for celebs!
You are the one that knows your business and your industry inside out so when it comes to writing blog posts for your website you feel like you should be the one doing it. But are you really the best person to write the content for your blog?
Image from Pixabay
You probably invested a lot of time and money into your website when it launched. At the time, the developer may have mentioned that blogs are a good way to drive traffic to your site. Maybe they mentioned the benefits of blogging as a way to establish your authority or tell your unique story. Perhaps they just told you that a blog can help convert leads to sales. They may have even written a few posts to get you started.
As a business owner, you write every day in your work. (No matter what your industry is sometimes the paperwork feels endless!) So you think “how hard can blogging be?” But after a few weeks of scrambling to find the time to bash out the words you need each week, you realise that it takes more time than you thought to write a good blog post. You end up posting less frequently. Suddenly your last post was 3 years ago and the tool that was meant to establish your authority now tarnishes your brand as ‘out of date’.
Do you give up on the blog altogether? Definitely not! Your blog still plays an important role in marketing your business. But you could hire a ghostwriter to super-charge your content marketing efforts.
What is a ghost writer?
It sounds very Hollywood, but a ghost writer is simply a writer for hire who is paid for the professional service of writing copy for someone else. They produce all the words, but take none of the credit as the author.
Aren’t ghostwriters for celebrities?
Sure, famous celebrities and sports stars hire ghostwriters to pen their autobiographies and memoirs, but ghostwriters are used in business all the time too. They are behind the copy on websites, in books, direct mails, blog posts and discussion papers. They are often freelancers who are paid a fee for their outstanding professional writing services.
Three ways a ghostwriter can help your business
A ghostwriter can save you time. Whether you are a plumber or a project manager, you need to be working on your business and servicing your clients and customers. Hiring a ghostwriter buys you back that extra time you’d spend on writing. At the same time, you get a professionally written piece of content to use in your other promotional activities.
A ghostwriter’s expertise is words. You might be an expert in dentistry or dairy farming, but a ghostwriter turns your expertise into great writing. Their job is to write in a way that makes people want to read, which means more leads and more sales for your business.
A ghostwriter helps you establish your authority as a subject matter expert. Just because you know all about aircraft and aviation doesn’t mean you can express yourself well. A ghostwriter stops this from being an issue when you are seeking to establish yourself as an expert or influencer in your industry.
Don’t waste your blog!
If your business’s blog is languishing because you don’t have the time, energy or skills to keep it current then you might be holding your business back. You can get it back on track now by hiring a ghostwriter to write a package of posts that generate new leads and sales for your business.